
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557

Security Monitoring by Simple Webcam with OpenWrt (Part 2)

Step 2 - 1 : Add Device drivers for USB interface, USB flash-drive, and USB webcam into OpenWrt 

In previous tutorial, I showed how to communicate to the router. But it is not safety enough since there is no password yet. So, anybody can access to this system. What I need is to set a password. Once there is the password, telnet cannot be longer used and putty tool will be used to take over this task.

1. in telnet, types passwd, then put your new password and retype to confirm. Exit from telnet by typing exit 

2. On terminal of Ubuntu laptop, install putty tool by typing  sudo apt-get install putty

3. After stalling, type putty , the configuration window will be showed as figure below. Set IP address = and Port = 22, then press Open button.

4. If there is a putty security alert, press accept button.

5. It asks you to input the login and password. After filling out, the OpenWrt welcome page is shown.

6. Type vi /etc/config/network to use the editor of linux which is vi to edit the file "network" in folder /etc/config/. Figure below shows the original content of network file.

7. Change IP of WL500gpV2 router to be 

8. type exit to quite putty 

9. plug out the adapter of WL500gpV2 router and wait ~20 second, then plug in again.

10. connect router by using putty, but set IP =

11. connect WAN port of WL500gpV2 router with the LAN  can to the another router which is being connect with internet network. This is the reason of changing the IP of WL500gpV2 router to be, as the another router connected with internet is normally configured with 

12. Test the router WL500gpV2 if it is able to connect to internet by typing 
ping www.google.com . Figure below show the successful case.

Please wait for the end part of the step 2 in next post.

